We offer only the best fully and pre-assembeled gas powered motor scooters. We offer 49cc, 50cc, 150cc and 250cc Gas Powered Scooter moped with free shipping. Please note although a scooter may be "fully assembeled or pre-assembeled upon delivery of your vehicle we still ask you to have a certified mechanic do all final checks on your scooter for safety. We sincerely hope our selection of Mopeds and Motor Scooters satisfied your search, should you have questions please call our staff anytime! 877-300-8707.
Because of the change in ownership the phone number listed in the video above have been officially changed to the new San west phone number of 877-300-8707 MOTORCYCLES / SCOOTERS / MOPEDS TRANSPORTATION FACT SHEET Some interesting information about motorcycles, gas motor scooters mopeds and their impact here in the USA. With these staggering numbers and statisctics it's obvious why a moped is needed right away. Gas milage so good you might just forget where the gas station is.. =-) Compliments of County Motorsports! Questions? Call us M-F 9-5 PST 877-300-8707 NUMBER OF MOTORCYCLES COMMUTING Out of a total 129,141,982 commuters in this country (USA, 2003) 147,703 of them ride motorcycles to work regularly. That's only 0.11 percent. US Census Bureau. Of all the motorcycles and scooters registered in the USA, (6,567,197) 4.3% of them are used for year-round primary transportation (282,389), with an additional 9.9% used seasonally for this purpose (932,542 total). Motorcycle Industry Council. NUMBER OF MOTORCYCLES ON THE ROAD As of 2003, there were 5,370,000 motorcycles regularly in use in the United States. US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics. As of 2003, these 5,370,000 motorcycles traveled an average of 1,800 miles a year per motorcycle (9,539,000,000 total miles). US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics. TRAFFIC CONGESTION The average roadway delay per person in 2001 was 26 hours per year and in 2003 it was 47 hours per year, an increase of 81%. The average commute time one way is 25 minutes. Texas Transportation Institute. JOURNEY TIMES The average United States driver travels 29 miles per day and is driving a total of 55 minutes per day. (This is an average vehicle speed of 32 mph.) US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Tests comparing car and motorcycle performance on real journeys suggest that traveling by motorcycle can shorten journey times by as much as 33 minutes of every hour for town centre and city travel, and 20 minutes of every hour for travel through a mixture of built-up and non built-up areas. Motorcycle Industry Association (UK). POTENTIAL AGGREGATE BENEFIT Motorcycles cover 1-2% of the total distance traveled by road, and cars cover 86%. If 2% of car commuters switched to motorcycles or scooters, the current level of motorcycle utility use would effectively double. Motorcycle Industry Association (UK). Average 2002 annual household private vehicle expense is $7,371. This is divided into $3,665 for vehicle purchases, $1,235 for gas and oil and $2,471 for insurance and misc. US Department of Labor Statistics, Consumer Expenditure Survey. PARKING SPACES 3 - 5 motorcycles fit per automobile parking space. Ride to Work. TOTAL FUEL CONSUMPTION - 2003 Motorcycles 191 million gallons (50.1 avg mpg x 1,800 miles per year per motorcycle) Passenger Cars 74,590 million gallons (22.3 avg mpg x 13,000 miles per year per car) Light Truck/SUV 56,302 million gallons (17.7 avg mpg x 13,000 miles per year per Lt Trk / SUV) US Dept of Transportation, Bureau of Travel Statistics. V NORMAL WEEKDAY MOTORCYCLE COMMUTING DAY FUEL USED (estimated) 150,000 commuting motorcycles x 5 mi average commute distance x 2 (both ways) = 1,500,000 motorcycle commuting miles per day. 1,500,000 motorcycle commuting miles @ 50 mpg (avg) = 30,000 gallons per commuting day. 100,000,000 commuting passenger cars, light trucks and SUV's x 6 mi average commute distance x 2 (both ways) = 1,200,000,000 car, light truck and SUV commuting miles per day. 1,200,000,000 car, light truck and SUV commuting miles at 20 mpg (avg) = 60,000,000 gallons per day. RIDE TO WORK DAY FUEL SAVINGS (estimated) 150,000 motorcycles use 30,000 gallons per normal commuting day x 2 (an estimated 150,000 added motorcycles on Ride to Work Day) = 60,000 gallons used by motorcycles on Ride to Work Day. 60,000 gallons used on Ride to Work Day - 30,000 gallons used by motorcycles on a normal commuting day = 30,000 additional gallons used by motorcycles on Ride to Work Day. On Ride to Work Day, there are an estimated 150,000 additional Ride to Work Day commuting motorcycles and 150,000 less commuting car, light truck and SUV's. A 6 mile (avg) commute x 2 (both ways) x 150,000 commuting car, light truck and SUV's = 1,800,000 car, light truck and SUV miles. 1,800,000 car, light truck and SUV miles / 20 mpg (avg) = 90,000 gallons. 90,000 less car, truck and SUV gallons - 30,000 more gallons used on Ride to Work Day = 60,000 less gallons of fuel used on Ride to Work Day. IF EVERY WORK DAY WERE "RIDE TO WORK DAY", 60,000 GALLONS SAVED X 250 WORK DAYS = 15,000,000 LESS GALLONS USED PER YEAR. IT'S TIME TO SAVE OUR MONEY, RESOURCES AND OUR PLANET. |