1st, please log into your account by clicking the link -here- (WINDOW WILL POP-UP) 2nd, After you have logged into your account you will follow these directions to check on your order status. Then........... If your order shows it is "New" If your order shows it is "In Progress" If it has been business 5 days (weekends do not apply) and we have not placed your order in ready to ship, complete or shipped, our staff may try to reach you about your order, we may have trouble collecting payment, finding a color or unit you have ordered. Please send an email to sales@countyimports.com if it has been 5 days and your order is not in one of the 3 categories above. Please do not email sales unless this is the case. You can also call our staff at 877-300-8707 ext #1 M-F 9-5 pst. Please remember our volume is very large during spring and summer, so phone calls may bog down our system. Emails are just as easy (and actually better)
If your order shows it is "Ready to Ship" Within the next 2-3 business days the ready to ship process should be finished (provided there are no unforeseen issues) your order will be designated by our staff to be moved into the "Complete" category. Until your order is in the "shipped" category a tracking number WILL NOT be available. This is not a small package such as a laptop or even a refrigerator but is a large crate that has a motor vehicle inside it. Before it can go on an enclosed container (freight truck) it must meet both state and federal HAZMAT regulations. This means that it is illegal to knowingly ship a motor vehicle that has combustible fluids in it (gas) or leaking fluids of any kind, such as petroleum. For tracking request until you see shipped, please allow our staff the time to process your order too lower inbound phone calls during busy seasons. Once your order is in the "Complete" category If your order shows it is "Shipped" |